de SNCRR Sector 5 | mart. 31, 2023 | News, STAMINA
Welcome to the STAMINA project newsletter, a guide to our latest work and news. STAMINA is a H2020 project (No. 883441) developing a smart support platform that will assist pandemic crisis management practitioners at a regional, national and international level. The...
de SNCRR Sector 5 | feb. 2, 2023 | STAMINA
Bine ați venit la buletinul informativ al proiectului STAMINA, un ghid pentru ultimele noastre activități și noutăți. STAMINA este un proiect H2020 (Nr. 883441) care dezvoltă o platformă inteligentă destinată sprijinului practicienilor în gestionarea crizelor de...
de SNCRR Sector 5 | sept. 12, 2022 | News, STAMINA
On 21 June 2022, one of the main exercises of the EU-funded STAMINA project took place. It used and evaluated several diagnostic devices for first-line screening developed within the framework of this international project. All the developed tools should primarily...
de SNCRR Sector 5 | aug. 31, 2022 | Comunicate de Presă, Proiecte, STAMINA
Reprezentanții Partenerilor din România din cadrul Consortiului STAMINA au prezentat în data de 26 august 2022 – în cadrul Taberei Internaționale de pregătire pentru dezastre organizată de Crucea Roșie Română la Valea Ierii, județul Cluj, România – noile instrumente...
de SNCRR Sector 5 | aug. 26, 2022 | News, STAMINA
On the 17th of May 2022, the first trial to test the STAMINA project’s tools purpose-built to support pandemic decision making was held in Valencia, Spain. These decision support technologies are intended for the prediction and management of pandemics within and...
de SNCRR Sector 5 | iul. 18, 2022 | STAMINA
Welcome to the STAMINA project newsletter, a guide to our latest work and news. STAMINA is a H2020 project (No. 883441) developing a smart support platform that will assist pandemic crisis management practitioners at a regional, national and international level. The...